8:30 pm


8:30 pm

Criminal Dinner

The deadly legacy

This evening, Inspector Watson of Scotland Yard needs the help of the guests to solve a curious murder of an eccentric Scottish lord. The aim is to reopen the case and get to the bottom of the culprit through clever deductions. With the active help of those present, the circumstances of the murder and the crime scene are re-enacted. Great fun and exciting entertainment are guaranteed!


Rocket salad
with Fourme d'Ambert, pears and caramelised walnuts
Braised veal tip
with thyme sauce, three kinds of carrot and celery puree
with rum sultanas and homemade vanilla ice cream

Vegetarian menu

Rocket salad
with Fourme d'Ambert, pears and caramelised walnuts
Celery gratinated with tomato crust
with three kinds of carrot and polenta
with rum sultanas and homemade vanilla ice cream

€89.00 per person

plus beverages

Overnight offer for two people:
Large deluxe room with breakfast included

Discover other culinary highlights

Gästehaus Schloss Saareck
Im Saareckpark
66693 Mettlach
Phone +49 (0) 6864 811711
Telefax +49 (0) 6864 2281
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